The only local online directory listing of ALL services available in your area
Of course, you can already find just about anything on the Internet, but it takes time to sift through all the thousands of websites to find exactly what you are looking for - and to find it in the area you live. So, to save you time - which is money - has put together information about ALL the businesses in YOUR area, as well as community services and emergency numbers - in one, easy-to-use and convenient website. And because the website is specific to an area, and we provide free listings to ALL the business in the area - as well as very affordable business mini-webpages and even websites for each business - ALL the businesses in an area can enjoy exposure on our website. You may say you have never heard of Find Them? Well therein lies our success since it is highly likely that you have actually used our site. The vast majority of our clients end up right at the top of the 1st page of Google, and when you click on the result you go straight to their page ie. you find exactly what you were looking for and may leave before even realsing that you were on their page on Find Them not their own site! The local online ‘advertising’ portal / mini-website affordable to ALL local businesses & servicesOur concept This idea was born from our experiences in the print marketing industry and the time we lived abroad. For the past 10 years, I have been involved in print marketing. While advertising is critical to business success, the reality is that over the past few years, I have noticed that print advertising had become less effective and more expensive. As the old advertising joke goes: "Half the money I spend on advertising is a waste, the problem is I don’t know which half". The truth is that I knew half the print media we were doing ended up in the bin, because people just don't have time to read print media anymore. I realised that there is a serious gap in the market to assist businesses with professional yet affordable marketing. Not everyone can afford print advertising, much less an ad agency. As a result, only a few businesses could advertise in print media, and this did not really give the readers what they needed: somewhere where they could find and read about ALL the businesses and services available in their area. During our time abroad, we realised that the answer lies in online marketing and that South Africa was far behind the rest of the world in terms of online marketing. We could no longer ignore the fact that the Internet is the most cost-effective way to promote businesses. Not only is it affordable, so that ALL businesses in an area can enjoy exposure, it also ensures that businesses get a guaranteed return on what they spend on their online advertising. So, in January 2011, we launched from our offices in Fourways, Johannesburg, giving all my existing print advertising clients a free listing and mini-webpage for six months while building our client base. We are the first business directory/listing site to offer unlimited space and allow our clients to include any content they need to promote their business - including photos, videos, brochures and even slideshows. As such, the first site was exclusive to northern suburbs of Johannesburg. But the business is growing and our second site has just been launched in the North West and a 3rd is on the way in Centurion. Now, along with Travis Sheils, a new shareholder, we plan to cover every area in SA with a Find Them website and expand internationally during 2013. Our Team
A dream come true
- To charge our clients
less than anyone else, and give them much more than they expect
Where we are going FindThem is also only the beginning we hope to bring you the public many more useful and exciting sites in the near future!
If you are interested in owning a Find Them website in your area then watch the presentation below and get in touch!
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