TEL: 011 705 1619

Shop 14 Kingfisher Shopping Centre,

Kingfisher Drive Fourways


Mariska Smit is certified by the South African Iridology Institute & runs training courses on Iridology. 
Located in Fourways at the Kingfisher Shopping Centre, Kingfisher Drive Shop No.14


Iridology can be defined as the science of studying
and analyzing the signs in the iris.

Iridology is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that provides a trained practitioner with important information of a patient?s overall state of health and strengths and weaknesses. It reveals each individual?s genetic make-up.

The ability to view not only the quality of the connective tissue of the iris, but also the functioning of the nervous systems, makes iridology an extremely powerful tool.

Any change in the body?s functions, or any disturbance in homeostasis can be seen and interpreted through iridology. The tissue changes that take place in the body makes iridology an especially valuable tool in the treatment of
chronic disease.


The signs in the iris reflect the genetic inherited pattern in constitutions, together with structural, colour and neurological changes that occur within the iris over a period of time.

These signs may indicate abnormal tissue conditions.

How does Iridology work?

Landmark signs and the density of fibres in relation to the over-all constitution are studied. Every landmark sign has its own unique history and the Iridologist reads and considers the many possible inherent, reflex, chemical, nerve and mental interactions of each system in the individual.

A trained practitioner uses iridology to gain an insight into the whole picture before determining the cause behind the problem.

Iridology cannot determine disease; instead it is used to recognizes the individual constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, toxins and their location, poor waste clearance, inflammation, biochemical deficiencies and the general health of the individual. 

The Iridologist can detect signs of biochemical and physiological needs and changes in the body long before the appearance of symptoms, thus enabling the practitioner to prevent disease before it can manifest.

Dr Suzanne Haylett 
in association with John Andrews(UK)

Iridology myths dispelled - what iridology is not

  • Iridology is not a treatment or therapy in itself
    but a diagnostic modality used to decide
    appropriate treatments or therapies.
  • Iridology does not diagnose disease. Rather,
    it is used to analyze tissue conditions as
    reflected in the eye and is used in conjunction
    with a medical history and other
    corroborating evidence 
  • Iridology does not show evidence of organs
    removed during surgery. If an organ has
    been removed the iris may reflect the
    pre-surgical condition of that organ.
  • Iridology does not reveal pregnancy, as it is
    a normal physiological process and not a
    pathological condition. 
  • Gall stones and kidney stones cannot be
    seen as these are deposits ?outside?
    the body and are not supplied by nerves. 
  • Iridology is not a psychic or spiritual analysis. 
  • Iridology does not identify or diagnose
    specific pathology in the body.
  • Iridology cannot confirm the presence of
    specific infective viruses, bacteria or parasites
    in the body but may reveal conditions under
    which infections may develop.
  • Iridology cannot determine or predict life
    span or predict impending death. 
  • Iridology cannot identify specific individual
    drug or pharmacological substances
    taken or pollutants absorbed. 
  • Gender and Age cannot be determined with iridology


You might know very little about Iridology right 
now.....but it doesn't have to stay that way.

In short, the study of Iris signs dates back to the early 1800's.    

Today respected researchers in this field include:
Emanuel Felke (Germany), Dr Willy Hauser (Germany), Dr Henry Lindlahr (USA), Bernard Jensen (USA) & John Andrews (UK)

The Iris can be called the fingerprint of the body
as it reveals each individual's genetic make-up.

The Iris displays, much like a television screen, every single stimulus from the body the brain receives. Since the nervous system connects the iris directly with the brain, the ability to not only view the quality of the connective tissue, but also the functioning of the nervous systems makes Iridology an extremely powerful tool.
It is for this reason that any change in the body?s functions, or any disturbance in homeostasis can be seen and interpreted.


     Where does Iridology come from?

In the early 1800?s a Hungarian physician by the name of Ignatz von Peczely had an experience as a child where he saw strange markings in the iris of an injured owl. Later on as a practicing physician he recalled this experience and started observing his patients' eyes, carefully documenting all his observations.

In the mid 1800?s, a Swedish doctor by the name of Nils Liljequest also documented his observations. At about the same time a German practitioner ? Pastor Emanuel Felke developed his skills in iris diagnosis.
Emanuel Felke?s contribution to iridology was extensive. His work was documented and furthered by his students since 1857 right up to today. Due to his work, the Felke Institute was established by Dr Willy Hauser in the late 1900?s.

In America Dr Henry Lane and Dr Henry Lindlahr documented and published their work in the early 1900?s. Out of their work the Lindlahr College was born.

The most prominent influence on international iridology during the 1980's came from Bernard
Jensen. He traveled and taught iridology all over the world.

Today John Andrews is one of the most prominent Iridology researchers in the world. His work is rapidly opening up new paths of discovery in the exciting field of Iridology.


Mariska Optomoetrist - 011 705 1619  
Click for Optometrist
Shop 14 at the Kingfisher Shopping Centre  Kingfisher Drive Fourways


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